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A Series Spotlighting Real-Life Examples of Art Meeting Code (Part 3 of 4)

Peter King has been experimenting with fractals since the mid-1980s. Many of his designs take their input from nature and from human interaction — in the form of video camera inputs or a “Spirograph” style user experience — rather than from a fixed mathematical starting point. He invented a process to create fractals purely from video camera feedback — no computer necessary!

Video Fractal by Peter KingWhat is a fractal?

Forms that exhibit scalar self-similarity, combined with the fact that in-folding greater detail increases the measure of the geometry: The more convoluted a (one dimensional) line gets, the more it approaches filling a two dimensional plane, so the line exists in a fractional dimension, hence, fractal. Romanesco and Buddabrot are among my favorites.

Interactive Fractal, Program by Peter KingWhat got you interested in fractals?

Growing up, I loved to draw from my imagination and from life. As a senior in High School (1982), I was seduced by computer graphics, and wrote little programs on Apple II written in Basic. There was no command for a circle, so found out how sine & cosine are used to draw a circle with a for loop. It was all Euclidean geometry: First spirals and spirographs, then wrote a 3D wireframe program in Basic. But with all that focus on euclidean geometry, my drawings were getting really geometric, and I began missing the organic feel of natural structures.

Then in college a friend sent me an article on fractals and the mandelbrot set, and I was attracted by the psychedelic appeal, but also liked how well they described organic structures algorithmically. My math skills weren’t apt for fractal math, so I would draw fractals to help myself understand them. Just out of college I watched a NOVA episode on fractals and chaos theory, which gave a very simple description of how to draw a Sierpinski triangle, so after watching I went to my Amiga and wrote a basic program to do it, and then began tweaking the variables to see how it changed the fractals.

Fractal Artwork by Peter KingA couple years later, I was experimenting with video feedback. I really liked observing how it behaved similarly to cellular automata: There was chaotic emergence guided by recursive rules. I think the universe creates in a similar way, so engaging in creative process this immediate and responsive manner feels to me like collaborating with nature. Well, in these explorations, I wondered what would happen if I split the camera signal and sent it to two monitors. While I set things up, I realized it would make fractals, which was a very exciting realization. I refined the video fractal process by putting one video monitor behind a window, with the reflection of the second monitor superimposed. This creates very specific IFS fractals, but they pulse and throb with color and texture. Truly simple shamanic interactive television 🙂

When digital desktop video arrived, I switched to that medium, making versions with Max/MSP, Quartz Composer, and Flash. When the iPhone came out, I built a multitouch table, where the fractal is directly manipulated with multitouch gestures on affine transforms.

What preparation/skills did you need to acquire for these projects?

Programming skill progression: Basic, HyoerTalk (Hypercard), Flash Actionscript 3, Nodal noodle programming, such as Max/MSP, Pixelshox, Quartz Composer. Presently: HTML5 / css3 / javascript

Why create artwork that takes its inputs from outside phenomena (variables found in nature, interpolated by mathematical equations) rather than directly from the artist’s imagination?

I am fascinated by how nature designs, and by studying and imitating these processes, I feel like I am co-creating with nature.
Use the links below to check Peter King’s fractals — or make your own!

Hipsters Beware

A Series Spotlighting Real-Life Examples of Art Meeting Code (Part 2 of 4)

Ironic T-shirts are nothing new. But what if you took the human element completely out of their creation and selection? That’s what Brighton-based artist Shardcore did with his collection of “Hipster Bait” algorithmically-generated T-shirts for sale. A computer program selects the image and the text.  Consumers can then order the shirts online. A new shirt is available every day.

The first thing you will notice is that the words and images seem a bit “off.” The pictures don’t match the captions. That is by design.

But not by human design.


By Anna Nahmias, Media Intern

Logo Cat

The Scratch programing language is a great example of visual/code collaboration. Targeted towards the younger mind, Scratch lets users create projects from animations to video sensing with little-to-no coding. Collaboration with Scratch doesn’t stop at design and code; it’s also collaboration with the creators, the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab, and its users, like you and me. It’s people building off of each other’s knowledge and experience.



The interface has bright colors and building-block-coding. As mentioned on the Scratch about page, “Scratch helps young people learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively”1. It would be amazing to see this software in middle school classes, perhaps a digital media or animation class. Then the student gets to decide what they want to focus on when considering colleges or even just a hobby.


The “inside” screen, or coding screen, of a project made with Scratch

Kids are smart. If you give them the tools they’ll figure it out. Maybe it’s the lack of pollution in both their minds and life. I suppose this idea could apply to us adults as well, if you give us the tools we’ll build it.

A quote from a Scratch user, “My 8-year-old brother and I have been active participants of the Scratch Online Community for over a year. I enjoy designing and programming games and animations with other kids, because different people have different skills, and when you work together, you can build a much better project than you can alone”2.

Collaboration is key; you can only accomplish so much yourself.



This Is Not a Post About Heartbleed

About a month and a half ago, I started writing a blog post about Leena Snidate, the influential and talented Finnish designer who produced the now-iconic Heartbleed logo for Codenomicon in “just a couple hours.”

Heartbleed Logo

Heartbleed logo is free to use, rights waived via CC0.

And it’s a brilliant logo — vivid and emotionally resonant. It probably contributed to a lot of people becoming aware of the bug and taking steps to mitigate their risk.

You should check out the designer’s story. It’s pretty cool.

But something kept nagging me…

What struck me most was the irony of the events: graphic designer beautifully and evocatively illustrates one of the most serious security flaws yet to surface in the history of the Internet. That’s all she does. That is where her role begins and ends.

Visual imagery has enormous power. It jump-starts the emotions; conveys in a split second what might take hours to explain with words. We usually consider visual thinking to be primarily a tool for advertising or communications. But visual thinking is also a means for problem solving. It is creative, dynamic, and sequential. It is also one of the most powerful means to make the abstract concrete and comprehensible.

Art meeting code can mean much more than logos that describe software. Even beautiful, effective, high-impact logos. We want designers, artists, and students to know that more is possible.

In the coming weeks, we will be be sharing some examples of creative collaboration between the art and tech worlds that push boundaries and inspire us to build better tools to create and share. We are still accepting stories and examples — send to

Greetings everyone!

My name is Anna Nahmias and I am a student studying digital media and website development and design. I’ve always loved technology and digital media. I enjoy digital photography and have recently dived into the world of website development and design. There’s something about clicking a computer mouse or the shutter button of my camera that feels natural to me opposed to a holding a brush or a stick of charcoal. Well it’s not just anything; it’s the instantaneous results. Being able to see a mostly finished product before I’m done working on it and having the ability to change it back or continue working without a problem is huge plus for me. I’ve thrown myself over hurdles and pulled myself through the hoops of programming and it simply takes more than what I can do to merely program or develop; I crave instantaneous and visual creativity. When I first met with Yes Exactly’s CEO she mentioned “Thematizer” and honestly it sounded awesome. It was very exciting for me in that great artsy-nerdy way.

The Thematizer, art meets code, is huge for the digital industry whether you know it already or not. The current relationship between design and development, art and code, is basically having the idea or dream of making or doing something, without the ability, recourses. This lack of individualism causes the dreamer to network, which is not necessarily a bad thing. The problem with networking is that the dreamer has to share their vision with another person. Ideas, views, feelings, emotions, anything can be lost in translation from one to another. Everyone works on their own levels of technicality, some very precise, others broad and general. Saying, “I want a clean simple website template” brings numerous ideas to my mind, but they all look pretty different from each other. Thematizer will give the dreamer the tools to make their dream a reality, with little to no risk for misunderstandings.

There are tools out there that are like the Thematizer, so in a broad category it’s not the first of its kind.  Thematizer is put together by people who have a passion for design and or development. It is built by people who want to connect not by people who want to make a fast or big buck. There’s love, sweat, and passion in Thematizer, and that’s not something you see in not only most applications, but most things nowadays.

The Thematizer builds a bridge, a bridge connecting the creator and the constructor; the designer and the developer. Similar to how artists and architects, or engineers and technicians can be grouped together, yet they both have different purposes. Having the Thematizer around will make constructing a website much easier, simpler, and personal. Whether you’re a designer or developer this is definitely worth looking into or even getting involved with.