Q. Who is the Thematizer for?
A. The Thematizer is a tool for web developers, graphic designers, interaction designers, project managers, and usability experts. Front-end developers can use the Thematizer to automate routine tasks. Graphic designers will be able to create custom designs easily and fluidly for open-source website platforms. Programmers will find it helpful to communicate at an early stage not only what is possible on a project, but what is easy or difficult.
Q. What online platforms is Thematizer available for?
A. Our first round of deliverables will be 3-5 high-quality, feature-rich, highly customizable themes for WordPress and Drupal. By installing a plugin, users will have access to the simple, intuitive “stencil” interface allowing designers to select the visual elements to be included in the layout — in real time! We are releasing the API, meaning that developers will also have the opportunity to craft Thematizer templates for Ruby on Rails, mobile app development, game development, and other open-source online applications.
Q. Will Thematizer websites work on mobile phones?
A. One of the main advantages of the Thematizer is that the software makes it easy to create a single design, then translate and test it into multiple device formats, such as tablets, iOs, Android, WebTV, etc. All Thematizer templates are built to be responsive.
Q. Why is the Thematizer open source?
A. We believe that the open source community has been a tremendous boon to developers and techies and we would like to see that community expand to encompass more designers and visual thinkers. We believe that interest exists; we would like to see more ways for designers and developers to collaborate directly at an advanced and sophisticated level, particularly on small projects which may not include a separate staff position for front end development or interaction design. Lastly, we believe that good design is important and effective as a tool for communicating and creating social change. We believe that any open source tool that makes good online design more affordable, accessible, and ubiquitous confers a net benefit upon society.
Q. If I download a copy of the Thematizer, what other goodies do I get?
A. Your software package includes royalty-free stock photography and illustrations available under a Creative Commons license. For other rewards available at different levels, please check our Rewards Page.
Q. What is the cost to download a copy of the Thematizer?
A. In keeping with open-source philosophy and the legacy of the software systems, the core product functionality will be free to download — for both designers and developer versions. Future releases with multi-user features (such as support for teams and versioning) may be priced differently.
Q. Who owns the Thematizer?
A. Our model is the WordPress.com/WordPress.org partnership. Yes Exactly will supply office space, hosting, support staff, and logistical resources during the first year of development. Our goal is to form a not-for-profit foundation to foster the continued evolution and development of the Thematizer. In any case, all crowdfunding participants will have the opportunity to vote on its after its one-year launch.
Q. How can I get involved?
A. We welcome volunteers! This project contains ample opportunities to test, expand, and extend the Thematizer’s functionality. Please contact us if you would like to participate.